Miracle during the mourning of the Late King Father Norodom Sihanouk

Normally, I rarely post a personal blog-post style, but more a journalistic and scientific or academic style of writing. Yet, a stimulus push me to write this up for a record of my life exposure to a great miracle happening in Cambodia, although it is now the 21st century where such miracle may not strongly convinced to many as high-tech development and more scientific proof are more advanced.

I could express that I am a type of person who hardly believe in such superstitious or magic things or event that is explained beyond the scientific proof. Taking for example, I never believe in fortune teller or the picking day that suits for an event recommended by fortune teller. I would not care of when suits best for my marriage, one of the important days in my life chapter, if it was not demanded by the old as recommended by the fortune teller or great superstitious monks.

However, during the mourning of the late King Father, Norodom Sihanouk, who died on October 15, 2012, a number of miracle happened leading to controversy between those who believe and do not. Some who believe in such thing continued to express their surprise while those who do not tried to suggest for the end of such irrational sharing or thinking or they posited that this was just an illusion mixing our deep thought and regret on the loss of our late King Father. Some even go beyond to claim that those who continue to share such miracle thought unintentionally affect our country reputation and put shame on the late King Father as such irrational act indicating that Cambodians are not well advanced in this modern globalization.

Whatever controversy might be, I could not reject those miracle event as I witnessed my own eyes and one may suggest that it is because my feeling was mixed up with regret or concentration on the recent news of the King’s death. However, how can the rest of population beyond myself would see the same thing or how can our feeling be mixed up at the same time? How can a thing we see through our both eye be an illusion while many could see the same?

Anyway, I would not defend the miracle which I could not see by myself, but let me share the miracle where the cloud appeared as the image of a Royal Lion (animals which are the coat of arms appeared on the Royal Flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia), that I had seen when I was waiting in line together with other Cambodian population for the return of the late King Father’s body on the October 17th and the image just appeared when we was told that the airplane taking our late King Father landed in Cambodia.

Royal Lion in Cloud
Amazing day with a cloud appearance as the Royal Lion of the Royal Flag while the King body was being escorted slowly out of airport on October 17th 2012 around 04.30pm. Photo taken by the Author.
Royal Flage, Cambodia
Royal Flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia, photo taken by the Author.

Then, 4 days later on October 21 2012, around 8 p.m, another miracle happened where almost population saw the portrait of the late King Father in the moon. At first, I laughed when hearing my relative informed about this news and urged me to see the moon. Then I did try to go to the top roof to check this out. Suddenly, what is sparkling my wonder was the fact that the moon seemed not stable, as its light repeatably appeared narrow and large for a while and then I did see somewhat blur; yet identifiable as the late King Father portrait. Unfortunately, since it was dark and it is so far to capture the moon’s photo, I could not show this as evidence itself.

Anyway, these two miracle as I witnessed myself did exist in my life time-span and this inspired me to write this post to keep as a record for next generation who may wonder on the controversy surrounding the miracle during the mourning of our late King Father, Norodom Sihanouk. Believe it or not, it is one’s rights! Whatever explanation maybe on this miracle, may this show a sign of peace, prosperity and great Kingdom of Cambodia.

A post which I devoted for this legacy and expression by his netizen available at Cambodia Mourns the Death of King Father Norodom Sihanouk, published on Global Voice Online via http://t.co/clv7zMO4 .


Hahaha, that is very Cambodian.
I used to be scared by ghosts and rather impressed by Neak Ta and all the spirits who used to live in each house. Of course, the French education is very rational. The nation has separated it self from religion a century ago. Maybe because of all this, am I now not believing much (or any) of supernatural powers or happenings.
I am sorry but I donnot see anyhting looking like a Sacred Lion in the clouds. And in the western world we often represent the moon with a man’s face (see this old and funny film : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz5KKh4R70E) because the shades of its surface looks like a face. It’s easy to see Sihanouk’s face as you see his pictures every where !
I don’t think it is shameful for Cambodians as long as this beliefs do not harm anyone.
I think it is just funny. It’s funny that Cambodians are often more scared by ghosts than by people with weapons !
Every nation has its irrational side. That is what make us humans.

Hi Pou Pou,

Nice to hear from you and thank for keeping visiting my blog.
It sounds like a child when I wrote that post related to miracle, but i do not know, I have witnessed that in my own eye so that all I can say 😉 although I rarely believe in such supernatural things.

Anyway, keep in touch and thanks for your comment.


Hi Sopheap,
You’re welcome.
In the other way, reading your blog make me less pessimistic about the futur of Cambodia. You make me feel that there are young Cambodians who are working for the future of the country. Not the ones whose only thoughts consist of thinking how to make more money on a country which is not going so well. Unfortunately, I am French, and not an English speaking person so I don’t always understand every thing you wrote.
I was quite shocked a few months ago when I’ve found Cambodian rice sold here in French Guiana whereas I heard that people in some areas are not doing well with food. Theses are some of small evidences of miss-governance of most countries.
Next year, I am going to visit my sister who lives in Seamreap for 3 year now. Maybe, I’ll have an opportunity to eat a nom bagnchok and drink a teuk croloc with you and your husband !
Best regards.

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