The first camping event was organized to ChreyHopnovMountain, Kompong Speu province on Feb 03-04, 2006, Visak Bochea Day. At first, I was worried about gender balance as the trip would stay overnight. Based on Khmer culture, girls are restricted to stay outside overnight. But, I resisted and was ready to accept whatever amount of female attendant. Surprisingly, 37{ada422a91571c9f32663835004e322394559eff300a971d9698e6f9db6bdae5e} female attended (13 female out of 35). It was not bad.
We left Phnom Penh at 3pm and arrived the location before 5pm when we could see the sunset from the top of the mountain.
After enjoying the view, we cleaned the resting area to have dinner and start our program: Gender films and discussion. The movies, donated by Women’s Media Center, aimed to educate on gender discrimination and child rapping. We also raised some topics, such ?Arranged married and Freed Married? to challenge and compare which one is better to apply in our society today. After discussion, we played a Welcome game which show how to welcome each other in different culture (Khmer, Japanese, Chinese, European country, etc.).
Though everyone had spent a lot time in travel and debate, we seemed not tired at all. Everyone still awaked till the morning as the group was dancing altogether.
In the morning, we packed our stuff and was ready to go to the Chrey Hophnov primary school.
The beauty of palm tree under the sunshine was very amazing to me!!!
Camping and Community Event in Ratanakirri12-15 May 2007 Bordering Vietnam‘s central Highlands and Laos are the remote province of Ratanakiri, with thickly forested hilly terrain, hilltribe people, and…
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1 Comment
Visak Bochea this year was a holiday too and there was no work for a day this week. It was a great fun for most people